Make a donation.

Will you help fund the fight for a better, fairer future for refugees? We gratefully accept donations of all sizes to continue our critical work.

Account Number: 47984521

Sort Code: 23-05-80


“Thanks to the volunteers of the Nadiya team - Anya and Derek - for their help and support in providing housing and a deposit. At a time when I was struggling, when there was no place to live, when I didn't have enough money and my health was failing, your sensitivity, constructiveness and efficiency turned out to be very necessary, important and appropriate! I was impressed by your diligence, tirelessness, honesty, conscientiousness and modesty. Care for people, fulfillment of promises also surprised. Thank you! Good luck, goodness and prosperity to your business, your organization!”

Liudmyla, from Lviv, Ukraine, at her new home in Milton Keynes, England, which she secured with the support of our Long-term Housing Programme.

Other ways you can change a refugee’s life…

Can you donate any of your unwanted furniture?

Will you write to your Member of Parliament to seek stronger support for refugees?

Would you like to volunteer at our organisation?

If you can help, please write to us at

Sign our petition.

In March 2023, Home Secretary Suella Braverman announced the Refugee Ban Bill which seeks to impose a complete ban on those desperate people arriving in the UK to claim asylum. This law will be the biggest attack on the refugee protection system that we have ever seen and will cause more misery and create more chaos on an asylum system that is already on the brink of collapse. It is not compassionate nor effective potentially leaving those fleeing persecution and war in limbo for years. 

These laws mean that only refugees arriving through extraordinarily restricted ‘official’ routes, which have been reduced dramatically, will be allowed to seek protection. All others will be banned from claiming asylum, then detained or deported under this government’s anti-refugee laws. They will not be allowed to challenge their removal or have access to bail from detention, or support if they are victims of modern slavery. People seeking safety will instead be locked up indefinitely, left in limbo and under the perpetual threat of deportation. 

We believe that people seeking protection from war and persecution should be welcomed and that everyone’s claim for asylum should be treated equally and fairly. We believe that the U.K. should offer sanctuary to those who need it. That’s why we are committed to Fight the #AntiRefugeeLaws which the Refugee Ban Bill is part of.

Please, take a stand against this bill and sign our pledge to fight the #AntiRefugeeLaws. 


  • Yes. Donations to Nadiya are tax-deductible if you’re a taxpayer in the U.K.

  • Yes. If you donate online, a receipt will be sent to you at the email address you provide. If you chose to make a recurring monthly donation, you will get an individual receipt each month after your donation has been processed. If you send us a cheque, please remember to include a return address (or email address) so we can provide you with a receipt.

  • Yes. The applications we use employ SSL certificate encryption technologies to ensure transactions are processed in a safe and secure manner. We will not sell, trade, or share your data with anyone else. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy.

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